Guild rate and expenses
The British Dental Guild Rate for 2023/24 is £374 - backdated to 1 April.
The Guild is also reimbursing members of GDPC and those nominated by the Chairman of GDPC to work on behalf of GDPC (i.e. Associates Group) for teleconferencing.
The Guild rate is £374 for 3.5 hours (session) with a maximum of two sessions per day at £748.
The Guild rate for teleconferences is £107 per hour, or part thereof, with a maximum of £374 for a half-day and a maximum of £748 in any one day.
Because of the modern complexities of dentistry in the UK, in recent years the Guild has decided not to separate the rate into a practice expense and a loss of earning component, but recommended that practitioners use their individual practice expenses to determine this, or the latest NHS Digital or HMRC information on expenses ratios.
The treasurer of the British Dental Guild is Howard Jones.
Forms for officers claiming expenses from the BDA
The member expenses claim form should be used when claiming meeting expenses from us:
Member expenses claim form (PDF) or
Member expenses claim form (Excel)
Alternatively, you can request a paper copy from:
Forms may be completed electronically or manually but must always be printed off and signed by the claimant, prior to being sent to us. All forms should be submitted within 28 days of the return journey.
List of committee codes
Committee codes are listed in the expenses form. When completing the form, the name of the committee and (if possible) the committee code should be recorded on the form. If you are attending a meeting as a cross representative or on behalf of another committee your expenses should be charged to the meeting you are actually attending.
Guidance and expenses policy
The member expenses policy and remote meetings expenses form (Excel) should be read prior to the submission of an expense claim.
The standard, summarised guidance applies to most committee members who claim set allowances from the BDA for subsistence and accommodation.
If you have any queries regarding this process, please contact your committee secretary or Bina Varkey: