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The Council is the voice of members within England to the PEC, and members of England Council are an essential link between BDA members and the PEC.

Our priorities

  • Discuss matters of common interest across England
  • Receive regular updates on membership and finances, and briefings on the PEC’s strategic and operational plans
  • Holding the PEC to account.

Our team


Hannah Woolnough

Hannah holds positions in both local and national organisations which enable her to support other professionals and campaign to improve oral care and reduce health inequalities. Alongside working as a General Dental Practitioner within the East of England, Hannah has worked in Community Dental Services, the prison service, and the out-of-hours service, helping people who can’t access regular dental services. She spent much of the last decade involved in postgraduate education for newly qualified dentists.
Hannah Woolnough
Vice Chair

Marion English

Marion qualified from London Hospital in 1979 and worked as an associate for nine years in Hertfordshire, at which time, she bought the practice she was working in. She has been a GDP and principal in Hertfordshire for many years, running a four-surgery practice. She is currently Branch Secretary for Middlesex and Hertfordshire, Section Secretary for North Hertfordshire, and Middlesex and Hertfordshire representative at English Council. At present she is chair of the Scrutiny Committee and also sits on the British Dental Guild.
Marion English

Get involved and get in touch

The Council meets around three times a year and there are many advantages to getting involved. You can actively influence BDA policymaking, represent your colleagues' voices, and develop your leadership skills.

The Council has distinct seats to represent different branches and sections across England and these are made for a three-year period at the start of the triennium process. The next triennium election process will be held in 2024. If there are vacant seats for areas of England where you work and you would like to stand as a Council member, contact the secretariat for further details.

For more information about the Council and its current work programme, or if you wish to raise an issue with the Council, please contact: stuart.abrahams@bda.org