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The role of the NI Council is to consider all matters relating to dentistry in Northern Ireland and is a repository of knowledge and expertise on these matters. Issues which fall under its remit include wider professional issues beyond the interests of the various ‘crafts’, such as European and international dental issues, undergraduate and postgraduate dental education, and ethical and workforce issues.

Our priorities

  • Provide and receive regular advice and comment to and from the BDA UK Council and Principal Executive Committee on all relevant matters and policy relating to dentistry within Northern Ireland
  • Advances the interests of dentistry and dentists in Northern Ireland by bringing together representatives of craft committees
  • Facilitate external expert and member input to policy formation
  • Progress dental workforce issues in Northern Ireland
  • Advocate for better oral health outcomes in Northern Ireland
  • Focus on dental education and training in Northern Ireland
  • Improve morale and wellbeing across all the dental crafts
  • Promote equality, diversity and inclusion within dentistry in Northern Ireland.

Our team

Chair NI Council BDS FDS Dip Orth RCSE FICD

Roz McMullan

A retired Consultant Orthodontist, Roz has been involved in representative work most of her career. Roz is Chair of Probing Stress in Dentistry NI, which works to raise the awareness of mental well-being in the dental workforce, and Co-Chair of DISCREET NI, working to establish a Practitioner Health Service for doctors, dentists and pharmacists in NI. She also chairs the Honours and Awards Committee of the BDA and is President of the Lindsay Society 2021/2023. Roz is a Past BDA President and continues to work with the Association in matters relating to wellness and mental health. Roz was secretary to the Audit Committee of the British Orthodontic Society and chaired the Hospital Training Committee NIMDTA for nine years.
Roz Mcmullan
Vice Chair NI Council Voting Member

Lisa Hanna

Lisa was elected to NIDPC in 2021. She was previously nominated at the BDA AGM in October 2018 and took up her place on NIDPC in February 2019. Lisa is a practice owner in the Northern Trust and is currently the Chair of the Northern Area LDC. Lisa also sits as a co-opted member on the BDA central Young Dentists Committee.
Lisa Hanna

Get involved and get in touch

NI Council Members are elected for three-year terms. The current NI Council triennium runs from 2022-2024. NI Council has 14 members, 11 of whom are voting and 3 who are non-voting. Three are directly elected from the Northern Ireland Branch membership, others are there by merit of their position on another committee or by co-option.

NI Council provide the link between the BDA's membership and the policy decisions taken on their behalf. It represents you and encourages you to get involved in BDA activity. If you would like to get in touch with any of your representatives or receive further information regarding the work, please contact northernIrelandoffice@bda.org ​to discuss any queries.