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We act on behalf of all grades, from cadets through to accredited consultants. Working on behalf of dental officers, our AFC lobbies on a range of matters impacting armed forces dentists, from pay, conditions of service, right across to pensions. Part of this role involves developing strong working relationships within the Ministry of Defence and actively championing the needs of military dentists.

Our priorities

  • Representing the interests of serving dental officers, CDPs and reservists
  • Providing an annual submission of written and oral evidence to the Armed Forces Pay Review Body (AFPRB)
  • Providing a paper of evidence as part of the BDA’s written submission to the Doctors and Dentists Review Body (DDRB) regarding the pay of CDPs.

Our team


Surgeon Captain (D) Mike Gall RN

Mike was Chief Dental Officer (Defence) and held a range of senior roles throughout his career including on primary health care capability improvements and scoping alternative models for the delivery of oral healthcare.
Mike Gall

Get involved and get in touch

The Committee meets three times a year and there are many advantages to getting involved. You can actively influence BDA policymaking and negotiations, represent your colleagues' voices and develop your leadership skills. The Committee has distinct seats to represent different branches within the armed forces and these are made for a three-year period at the start of the triennium process.

The next triennium appointment process will be held in 2024. For more information about the committee and its current work programme, or if you wish to raise an issue with the committee, please contact stuart.abrahams@bda.org