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The Committee considers and decides on policy stances related to the oral health of the population and the pay, working conditions and employment relations of BDA members working in the dental public health speciality. Its aim is to promote oral health and improve quality of life through the organised efforts of society.

Dentists from England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland working within the specialty are represented on the Committee. The Committee works across the BDA and with external organisations, including The British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry, to promote and protect the rights and interests of public health dentists.

Our priorities 

  • Protecting and promoting the dental public health workforce as the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and NHS England undergo organisational change processes and Integrated Care Boards take over commissioning functions in regions throughout England
  • Safeguarding the future dental public health workforce
  • Fighting for pay restoration for dental public health consultants, alongside hospital dental and medical consultants
  • Showcasing the value of the dental public health workforce and raising awareness amongst stakeholders of the vital role this workforce plays in safeguarding the oral and general health of the nation
  • Working alongside the Health and Science Committee in its work to improve the oral health of the nation and fight against health inequalities.

Dental public health consultant members working for NHS England and OHID were included in the recent BMA and BDA organised strike action for consultants in England.

Our team


Professor Rob Witton

Robert is a General Dental Council registered specialist and Consultant in Dental Public Health. He is Professor of Community Dentistry in the dental school and has a broad portfolio of interests across education, clinical leadership, dental services, public health, social enterprise and health policy.
Rob Whitton
Vice Chair

Dr Anna Hunt

Anna is the lead Consultant in Dental Public Health for the West Midlands, providing specialist dental public health advice and consultant input to the relevant integrated care system and local authorities.
Anna Morzine

Get in touch 

If you would like further information regarding DPHC please contact the Senior Policy Adviser for Employed Dentists Stuart Abrahams (Stuart.Abrahams@bda.org), or the Committee Secretary Eleanor Day (Eleanor.Day@bda.org).