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The YDC champions the careers of younger dentists in terms of policy making, political lobbying, and improving the quality of working life for young dentists and their prospects for the future.

Our priorities 

  • Supporting young dentists in their careers
  • Ensuring graduates can practice without fear and with confidence
  • Enhancing career development opportunities
  • Making sure dentists have access to high-quality education and training
  • Increasing the voice of young dentists on the decision-making bodies within dentistry
  • Stimulating innovation to drive dentistry forward so that it meets the changing demands and expectations of patients. 

Our team


Natalie Bradley

Natalie is a Consultant in Special Care Dentistry and Clinical Director for Dentaid. She started off as a BDSA representative whilst at university and has since gained experience and understanding of the inner workings of the BDA as a past YDC member and sitting on hospital (CCHDS) and community (CDS) committees. As trainee representative on the Medical and Dental Recruitment Subgroup, Natalie contributed to meetings on decisions about postgraduate recruitment processes (DFT, DCT, ST). She has also supported CDS colleagues on employment issues when she was a BDA accredited representative (AR). Natalie has experience in hospital, academia, community and as an associate, and as such, she possesses a deeper understanding of the concerns that affect dentists across all sectors of dentistry. As a fellow of the Office of the Chief Dental Officer, she has worked directly with decision makers and has insight into sitting on the other side of the table too.
Natalie Bradley

Get involved and get in touch 

Members of the Young Dentist Committee are dentists within 10 years of primary qualifications. Its members are elected to young dentist, early career, or trainee seats on other committees. These individuals then meet as the Young Dentists Committee. In addition to this, the Students Committee elects two Foundation Dentist representatives to the Committee. Alongside these, any other committee member elected to a BDA committee and within ten years of primary qualification is also entitled to attend.

The Young Dentist Committee is supported by Nuzha Dissi, Policy Officer, who can be contacted via email: Nuzha.dissi@bda.org

Developing your skills

Have a look at our range of advice videos, including experiences from different careers and fields of dentistry, and tips for furthering your career.