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As the voice of dentistry in the UK, we’ve spoken out on behalf of the profession and the millions they treat.

Campaigning Desk

We put the crisis in dentistry at the very top of the agenda in an election year

Building pressure in parliament and in the press, we secured commitments for reform from parties across the political spectrum and are continuing to press the new Government to turn their promises into action. We built a coalition for change, and together with the Daily Mirror, 38 Degrees and the Women’s Institute, mobilised hundreds of thousands of supporters. We exposed sticking plaster policies – a ‘Recovery Plan’ that was unworthy of the title, alongside desperate plans to tie-in young dentists to a broken system.

Industrial Action (1)

We sounded the alarm on the EU’s amalgam ban

We spelled out the risks to politicians and officials in London, Belfast and Brussels. The European Parliament’s decision was set to hit care in all four UK nations, with a disproportionate impact in Northern Ireland which would have been expected to deliver a phase out on the same basis as EU member states from the New Year. 

In evidence we gathered, 9 in 10 dentists in Northern Ireland said the ban would lead their practice to reduce or end its NHS commitment. These dentists now have a reprieve until 2034 – the first, and so far only, time the EU has granted an opt of its laws since Brexit.

Ciaraletter Recovered

We fought for pay restoration for dentists in secondary care

We stood shoulder to shoulder with our medical colleagues at the picket lines for over a year of industrial action at hospitals across the UK. Our members have now backed deals in all four UK nations, with dental trainees in England securing a pay uplift of 22.3% over two years.

Dentists And Patients Protest Resized2

In Scotland


The road to payment reform

During the last year we continued to engage with key stakeholders including the Scottish Government on payment reform.

Feedback from the profession has informed our discussions, with 88% of respondents saying this cannot be the end of the road to reform.

A new pay deal for Scottish Consultants

We continued to work with the BMA on pay negotiations for hospital dentists. A new pay offer was secured for consultants following our entering a formal dispute with the Scottish Government over consultant pay.

In Northern Ireland


Amalgam gone international

Our major win this year was on dental amalgam: from the threat of having a ban imposed on Northern Ireland (NI) and considering the huge impact this would have had on Health Service dentistry, to securing a bespoke derogation against the odds.

On 19 July, the European Commission agreed to the continued use of dental amalgam in NI until 31 December 2034, or until a date agreed under the Minamata Convention on Mercury, whichever is earlier.

The work put in behind the scenes to this effort included inputs from right across our association. It also involved political engagement at the NI devolved nation level, right up to the UK Government negotiating with the European Union.

A new pay deal for NI HDS Consultants

Working alongside the BMA, a new pay deal for NI HDS Consultants was secured in August, approved by 100% of members balloted with a turnout of 65%.

Exodus of NHS dentists

We continued to highlight the exodus of NHS Dentists in NI and the need for GDS contract/dental payment reform: our open letter in January co-signed by 720 GDPs; meeting with the Minister in March; and our oral evidence to the Assembly Health Committee in June.

A £9.2m dental access scheme was announced on 27 March.

In Wales


The fight for GDS contract reform

We drove GDS contract reform in the right direction, reining in the worst excesses of clawback, while continuing negotiations with the Welsh Government for a new GDS contract.

A strategic workforce plan for the future

We worked with HEIW to develop an effective strategic workforce plan that addresses the dental team of the future.

Negotiating power for improvement of the Welsh CDS

We re-established the CDS Joint Forum, now Community Dental Business Group, to now hold negotiating power and allow collaboration between Welsh Government, BDA Wales and NHS Wales for the improvement of the Welsh CDS.

Topics discussed include the terms and conditions for the CDS, recruitment and retention, the appraisal system for the CDS and the upcoming BDA Wales vision paper for the CDS.

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Advice and support

Our teams have taken over 9,400 phone calls, responded to over 8,500 emails and supported our members to solutions through mediation. We share our collective knowledge and expertise and support members throughout their professional lives.

Advice Support Desk



Saddeer Ahmed - 25 July 2024
"I recently had a CQC inspection. When I initially received the email, all I could think was I need help! Being an expert member, I contacted the BDA and they did not fail to deliver. Especially Sarah Williams - I cannot thank her enough for her guidance and vast help - she went above and beyond and eased me through the process. So helpful for everything. Thank you, Sarah."
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13 May 2024

BDA Member

"Chris provided invaluable support and guidance during an immensely turbulent and traumatic period of time in work. It's as though he does this for a living! Chris is clear, knowledgeable and knows how to support members during difficult conversations. Makes the BDA membership worth it. Thanks, Chris."
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5 August 2024

Dr P Zeltmann

"Michael Fenton responded to my call immediately and responded to my queries in great detail. His professional advice was extremely informative and helpful. It was clear from his response he had given my query much thought. His response was very well thought through and measured. Thank you, Michael."
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BDA Indemnity 

Our cover provides you with a professional shield against legal and regulatory challenges. We already fight hard for our members and dentists alike and believe that our insurance simplifies your dental experience; giving you the peace of mind you deserve.

We continue to offer many great features that make our cover so special.

Indemnity Desk



17 July 2024

Caroline James

The advisory service I have received over the last few weeks has been exemplary. I have received highly professional and competent services, and these were provided in a friendly and accessible manner. Highly recommended.
Exemplary Service Appetiser

Quotes are:

Blue location pin icon

Specific to the UK nation(s) where you practise

Blue clock icon approx 4 o'clock

Personalised according to the hours you work

Blue tooth icon

Dependent on whether you provide implant treatments

Blue graduation hat icon

Discounted for newly qualified dentists, up to five years post-qualification


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Learning Desk



Courses and events

Our events portfolio covers a broad spectrum of topics delivered through interactive training days, lecture-based seminars, practical hands-on workshops, multi-speaker conferences, and live evening webinars. This year we continued to provide the whole dental team with the knowledge and CPD needed to keep up to date.

1 Managing Cleft

Loving that the webinars are continuing. They are partly why I continue with my membership.


Managing cleft patients webinar

9 October

2 Early Detection

Thank you for continuing to organise these webinars. They are so useful, especially for rural dentists like me. I very much appreciate all the time and effort put into organising them.


Early detection of oral cancer webinar

20 November

3 CDS Group Conference

I managed to see a lot of familiar faces I had not seen in years, which was nice. All of the lectures have been really great, so informative, really relevant, very realistic with very passionate and engaging speakers.


CDS Group Conference

10-11 October


We launched 5 new online courses, via a completely refreshed look and feel for our CPD Hub, providing dentists with the latest information and training:

And we released a core CPD package available on demand, designed with 9 GDC-recommended topics for dentists and teams to meet regulatory requirements.


Our library had a significant year expanding resources and increasing accessibility. Nearly 200 different package titles were accessed online, with our most accessed package titles being Sustainable Dentistry, Occlusion, and Remote & Teledentistry.

This year we also tailored our support to students by expanding our student loan offering and the amount they can borrow at once.

We also created 11 new packages on current topics such as artificial intelligence in various aspects of dentistry, along with additional focused packages on Mpox, E-scooters & E-bikes, and systematic reviews related to dental caries. A collection of eBooks related to dental teaching is also now available.

Dr Sabina Wadhwani

More than meets the eye at the library  

"The librarians are helpful and responsive, updating you on book availability, renewals, and returns. They can also carry out searches for you based on your interests—just ask them!"
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Dega Mohamud-Ali

Getting the most out of student membership at the library

"The library’s tailored support and resources are invaluable. Staff provide access to materials like article packages and reply promptly to requests, enhancing the learning experience for dentists and students alike."
Bda Library Shelf

Most popular book downloads 2024

The most popular book downloads from our library in 2024 were heavily student focused: MFDS Part 2: 60 OSCE Stations, The Dental Foundation Interview Guide: With Situational Judgement Tests and Oxford Assess and Progress: Clinical Dentistry. A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry was the top non-student related book download.
Library Book Downloads Appetiser


Our museum ran two exhibitions in the Wimpole Street foyer for visitors to enjoy. The first focused on the development of the curing light and its huge impact on restorative dentistry and was made possible with a number of display donations from members and from the trade.

The second temporary exhibition explored the student instrument cabinet, eventually phased out by dental schools due to changes in infection control. Through our online survey and contacts, we generated much discussion and interest from the profession including donations of photographs, reminiscences and donations of cabinets. Thank you to everyone who responded to our requests.

Museumt Desk




BDJ Portfolio 

Our BDJ Portfolio had 8,237,937 article downloads this year, with over 1,272 articles published across BDJ, BDJ Open and EBD. It continues to inform readers of ideas, opinions, developments and key issues in dentistry - clinical, practical and scientific - to spark interest, debate and discussion amongst dentists and their teams.

There were 14,899 applications made on BDJ Jobs by those looking to take the next step in their careers.

BDJ Stat V3 Desk
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From our President

Richard Graham With Chain 650X450 2 1

While the [impact] report doesn’t showcase [everything], it does help paint a picture of the work our teams put in and the resources they provide year after year. We care deeply for our members and are committed to fighting for the future of dentistry.

Richard Graham - President

British Dental Association

Dear members and supporters,

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our annual impact report for 2024, which represents the work we’ve done over the past year to support members and improve conditions for all dentists wherever they practice within the UK.

While the report doesn’t showcase the hours spent one-on-one with members, nor does it provide a transcript of every letter, call and email submitted to MPs across the devolved nations, it does help paint a picture of the work our teams put in and the resources they provide year after year. We care deeply for our members and are committed to fighting for the future of dentistry.

During my travels around the country this year, I encountered numerous dentists who initially believed they didn’t need our support. They were convinced that online communities could provide the advice they might require. However, a pattern emerged that was both telling and troubling: when these individuals found themselves facing genuine professional challenges, they quickly realised the critical value of our organisation. One conversation stands out – I met a young practitioner who had navigated a complex workplace issue where she'd fallen foul of the terms and conditions of service. She’d tried to handle this on her own and with the support of her online network to no avail, only to discover afterward how much potential legal and professional protection she had missed by not being a member. Her story is a powerful reminder of our core mission.

There is a reason why we say, ‘Together, we are stronger.’

Richard Graham

British Dental Association

Richard Graham's signature

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Our core values

We believe, as a membership organisation, our duty is to serve the needs of our members. As a trade union, our fundamental belief is that together, we can achieve more than we could individually.


Members are at the heart of everything we do

Together, we are stronger.


Using these core values to guide the organisation, over the next year we will continue to:

  • Be inclusive

  • Support our members throughout their professional lives

  • Use our influence for the benefit of members, the dental profession and patients

  • Share our collective knowledge and expertise.

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Together we are stronger

Not a member yet?

BDA membership offers you the learning you need throughout your career. Whether you prefer online or in-person, live or on-demand, clinical updates, or business skills, we have education to inspire you. Discounts are often available for members.
Two smiling dentists are practising whitening techniques in a workshop setting